MVC Interview Questions: Top 500 Questions to Help You Prepare

If you’re preparing for an interview for an MVC developer position, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with common MVC interview questions. These questions can help you demonstrate your technical skills and understanding of MVC architecture, as well as your problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 15 MVC interview questions that you’re likely to encounter during an interview.

Introduction: What is MVC?

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, which is a popular architectural pattern used in web application development. MVC divides an application into three interconnected components: the Model, View, and Controller. The Model represents the data and the business logic, the View represents the user interface, and the Controller handles the user input and manages the flow of data between the Model and the View.

MVC interview questions – Here are some potential questions

  1. What is MVC?
  2. Why was the MVC architecture created?
  3. What are the three core components of the MVC architecture?
  4. What is the role of the model in MVC?
  5. What is the role of the view in MVC?
  6. What is the role of the controller in MVC?
  7. Can you explain the flow of data in MVC?
  8. What are some advantages of using the MVC architecture?
  9. What are some disadvantages of using the MVC architecture?
  10. Can you explain the difference between a model and a view?
  11. Can you explain the difference between a view and a controller?
  12. Can you explain the difference between a controller and a model?
  13. What is a model object in MVC?
  14. What is a view object in MVC?
  15. What is a controller object in MVC?
  16. What is the purpose of a model object in MVC?
  17. What is the purpose of a view object in MVC?
  18. What is the purpose of a controller object in MVC?
  19. What is the purpose of the MVC architecture in software development?
  20. What are some real-world examples of software applications that use the MVC architecture?
  21. Can you explain the role of the controller in the MVC architecture in detail?
  22. What is the purpose of the view in the MVC architecture?
  23. What is the purpose of the model in the MVC architecture?
  24. What are some common design patterns that are used in MVC?
  25. What is the difference between a design pattern and an architectural pattern?
  26. Can you explain the Singleton design pattern?
  27. Can you explain the Factory design pattern?
  28. Can you explain the Observer design pattern?
  29. What is the role of the Observer design pattern in the MVC architecture?
  30. What is the difference between a tightly coupled and loosely coupled architecture?
  31. Can you explain the role of coupling in the MVC architecture?
  32. What are some advantages of a loosely coupled architecture?
  33. What are some disadvantages of a tightly coupled architecture?
  34. What is a service in the MVC architecture?
  35. What is a data access object (DAO) in the MVC architecture?
  36. What is the role of the DAO in the MVC architecture?
  37. What is the role of the service layer in the MVC architecture?
  38. What are some common mistakes that developers make when implementing the MVC architecture?
  39. What is the role of the database in the MVC architecture?
  40. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface?
  41. Can you explain the difference between composition and inheritance?
  42. Can you explain the role of composition in the MVC architecture?
  43. What is an API?
  44. What is the role of an API in the MVC architecture?
  45. Can you explain the role of the web server in the MVC architecture?
  46. What is the role of the front-end in the MVC architecture?
  47. What is the role of the back-end in the MVC architecture?
  48. Can you explain the difference between the front-end and the back-end?
  49. What is a session in the MVC architecture?
  50. What is a cookie in the MVC architecture?
  51. Can you explain the role of a cookie in the MVC architecture?
  52. What is a view model in the MVC architecture?
  53. Can you explain the role of a view model in the MVC architecture?
  54. What is the difference between a view and a model in the MVC architecture?
  55. Can you explain the concept of separation of concerns in the MVC architecture?
  56. What are some best practices for implementing the MVC architecture?
  57. What is the role of testing in the MVC architecture?
  58. What are some common testing frameworks used in the MVC architecture?
  59. Can you explain the difference between unit testing and integration testing?
  60. What is a code review?
  61. Can you explain the importance of code reviews in the MVC architecture?
  62. What is the role of version control in the MVC architecture?
  63. What are some common version control systems used in the MVC architecture?
  64. What is a merge conflict?
  65. Can you explain the role of continuous integration and continuous deployment in the MVC architecture?
  66. What are some common security concerns in the MVC architecture?
  67. Can you explain the concept of authentication in the MVC architecture?
  68. Can you explain the concept of authorization in the MVC architecture?
  69. What are some common authentication and authorization mechanisms used in the MVC architecture?
  70. Can you explain the difference between stateful and stateless authentication?
  71. Can you explain the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?
  72. Can you explain the role of encryption in the MVC architecture?
  73. What are some common performance issues in the MVC architecture?
  74. Can you explain the role of caching in the MVC architecture?
  75. What are some common caching mechanisms used in the MVC architecture?
  76. Can you explain the difference between client-side and server-side caching?
  77. What is a content delivery network (CDN)?
  78. Can you explain the role of a CDN in the MVC architecture?
  79. What is a load balancer?
  80. Can you explain the role of a load balancer in the MVC architecture?
  81. Can you explain the difference between horizontal and vertical scaling?
  82. What are some common scalability issues in the MVC architecture?
  83. Can you explain the role of monitoring and logging in the MVC architecture?
  84. What are some common monitoring and logging tools used in the MVC architecture?
  85. Can you explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication?
  86. What is a message queue?
  87. Can you explain the role of a message queue in the MVC architecture?
  88. What is the difference between a monolithic and microservices architecture?
  89. What are some common challenges associated with microservices architecture?
  90. Can you explain the role of an API gateway in the microservices architecture?
  91. Can you explain the role of service discovery in the microservices architecture?
  92. What is a container?
  93. Can you explain the role of containers in the MVC architecture?
  94. What is a container orchestration tool?
  95. Can you explain the role of a container orchestration tool in the MVC architecture?
  96. What is a reverse proxy?
  97. Can you explain the role of a reverse proxy in the MVC architecture?
  98. What is a serverless architecture?
  99. Can you explain the role of serverless architecture in the MVC architecture?
  100. What is a content management system (CMS)?
  101. Can you explain the role of a CMS in the MVC architecture?
  102. What are some common CMSs used in the MVC architecture?
  103. What is the difference between WordPress and Drupal?
  104. What is the difference between Joomla and Magento?
  105. What is the difference between Sitecore and Umbraco?
  106. Can you explain the role of the front-end framework in the MVC architecture?
  107. What are some common front-end frameworks used in the MVC architecture?
  108. What is the difference between React and Angular?
  109. What is the difference between Vue.js and Ember.js?
  110. Can you explain the role of the back-end framework in the MVC architecture?
  111. What is the most commonly used back-end framework in the MVC architecture?
  112. What is the difference between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core?
  113. What is the difference between Django and Flask?
  114. What is the difference between Ruby on Rails and Sinatra?
  115. Can you explain the role of the database in the MVC architecture?
  116. What are some common databases used in the MVC architecture?
  117. What is the difference between a relational and non-relational database?
  118. What is SQL?
  119. What is NoSQL?
  120. What is MongoDB?
  121. What is Redis?
  122. Can you explain the role of the API in the MVC architecture?
  123. What are some common API protocols used in the MVC architecture?
  124. What is REST?
  125. What is SOAP?
  126. Can you explain the role of the web server in the MVC architecture?
  127. What are some common web servers used in the MVC architecture?
  128. What is the difference between Apache and Nginx?
  129. Can you explain the role of the cloud in the MVC architecture?
  130. What are some common cloud providers used in the MVC architecture?
  131. What is AWS?
  132. What is Azure?
  133. What is Google Cloud Platform?
  134. Can you explain the role of server-side rendering in the MVC architecture?
  135. What is the difference between server-side and client-side rendering?
  136. Can you explain the role of static site generators in the MVC architecture?
  137. What are some common static site generators used in the MVC architecture?
  138. What is the difference between Jekyll and Hugo?
  139. What is the difference between Gatsby and Next.js?
  140. Can you explain the role of web accessibility in the MVC architecture?
  141. What are some common web accessibility issues in the MVC architecture?
  142. What is the role of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) in the MVC architecture?
  143. What is the role of the WAI-ARIA specification in the MVC architecture?
  144. Can you explain the role of search engine optimization (SEO) in the MVC architecture?
  145. What are some common SEO best practices in the MVC architecture?
  146. What is the role of the robots.txt file in the MVC architecture?
  147. Can you explain the role of structured data in the MVC architecture?
  148. What is
  149. What are some common types of structured data used in the MVC architecture?
  150. Can you explain the role of web analytics in the MVC architecture?
  151. What are some common web analytics tools used in the MVC architecture?
  152. Can you explain the role of A/B testing in the MVC architecture?
  153. What are some common A/B testing tools used in the MVC architecture?
  154. Can you explain the role of personalization in the MVC architecture?
  155. What are some common personalization techniques used in the MVC architecture?
  156. Can you explain the role of gamification in the MVC architecture?
  157. What are some common gamification techniques used in the MVC architecture?
  158. Can you explain the role of social media integration in the MVC architecture?
  159. What are some common social media platforms integrated into the MVC architecture?
  160. Can you explain the role of email marketing in the MVC architecture?
  161. What are some common email marketing tools used in the MVC architecture?
  162. Can you explain the role of push notifications in the MVC architecture?
  163. What are some common push notification platforms used in the MVC architecture?
  164. Can you explain the role of chatbots in the MVC architecture?
  165. What are some common chatbot platforms used in the MVC architecture?
  166. Can you explain the role of voice assistants in the MVC architecture?
  167. What are some common voice assistant platforms used in the MVC
  168. Can you explain the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the MVC architecture?
  169. What are some common AI technologies used in the MVC architecture?
  170. Can you explain the role of machine learning in the MVC architecture?
  171. What are some common machine learning libraries used in the MVC architecture?
  172. Can you explain the role of natural language processing (NLP) in the MVC architecture?
  173. What are some common NLP libraries used in the MVC architecture?
  174. Can you explain the role of computer vision in the MVC architecture?
  175. What are some common computer vision libraries used in the MVC architecture?
  176. Can you explain the role of blockchain in the MVC architecture?
  177. What are some common blockchain technologies used in the MVC architecture?
  178. Can you explain the role of cybersecurity in the MVC architecture?
  179. What are some common cybersecurity risks in the MVC architecture?
  180. What are some common cybersecurity best practices in the MVC architecture?
  181. Can you explain the role of testing in the MVC architecture?
  182. What are some common testing frameworks used in the MVC architecture?
  183. What is unit testing?
  184. What is integration testing?
  185. What is end-to-end testing?
  186. Can you explain the role of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) in the MVC architecture?
  187. What are some common CI/CD tools used in the MVC architecture?
  188. Can you explain the role of containerization in the MVC architecture?
  189. What are some common containerization technologies used in the MVC architecture?
  190. Can you explain the role of microservices in the MVC architecture?
  191. What are some common microservices frameworks used in the MVC architecture?
  192. Can you explain the role of serverless computing in the MVC architecture?
  193. What are some common serverless computing platforms used in the MVC architecture?
  194. Can you explain the role of DevOps in the MVC architecture?
  195. What are some common DevOps tools used in the MVC architecture?
  196. Can you explain the role of Agile methodology in the MVC architecture?
  197. What are some common Agile practices used in the MVC architecture?
  198. Can you explain the role of project management in the MVC architecture?
  199. What are some common project management methodologies used in the MVC architecture?
  200. Can you explain the role of version control in the MVC architecture?
  201. What are some common version control systems used in the MVC architecture?
  202. Can you explain the role of code review in the MVC architecture?
  203. What are some common code review tools used in the MVC architecture?
  204. Can you explain the role of documentation in the MVC architecture?
  205. What are some common documentation tools used in the MVC architecture?
  206. Can you explain the role of scalability in the MVC architecture?
  207. What are some common scalability issues in the MVC architecture?
  208. Can you explain the role of performance optimization in the MVC architecture?
  209. What are some common performance optimization techniques used in the MVC architecture?
  210. Can you explain the role of caching in the MVC architecture?
  211. What are some common caching strategies used in the MVC architecture?
  212. Can you explain the role of load balancing in the MVC architecture?
  213. What are some common load balancing strategies used in the MVC architecture?
  214. Can you explain the role of content delivery networks (CDNs) in the MVC architecture?
  215. What are some common CDN providers used in the MVC architecture?
  216. Can you explain the role of high availability in the MVC architecture?
  217. What are some common high availability strategies used in the MVC architecture?
  218. Can you explain the role of disaster recovery in the MVC architecture?
  219. What are some common disaster recovery strategies used in the MVC architecture?
  220. Can you explain the role of monitoring and logging in the MVC architecture?
  221. What are some common monitoring and logging tools used in the MVC architecture?
  222. Can you explain the role of data analytics in the MVC architecture?
  223. What are some common data analytics tools used in the MVC architecture?
  224. Can you explain the role of data visualization in the MVC architecture?
  225. What are some common data visualization tools used in the MVC architecture?
  226. Can you explain the role of data warehousing in the MVC architecture?
  227. What are some common data warehousing technologies used in the MVC architecture?
  228. Can you explain the role of data modeling in the MVC architecture?
  229. What are some common data modeling tools used in the MVC architecture?
  230. Can you explain the role of database management in the MVC architecture?
  231. What are some common database management systems used in the MVC architecture?
  232. Can you explain the role of data migration in the MVC architecture?
  233. What are some common data migration tools used in the MVC architecture?
  234. Can you explain the role of data privacy and security in the MVC architecture?
  235. What are some common data privacy and security regulations in the MVC architecture?
  236. Can you explain the role of data ethics in the MVC architecture?
  237. What are some common data ethics considerations in the MVC architecture?
  238. Can you explain the role of accessibility in the MVC architecture?
  239. What are some common accessibility considerations in the MVC architecture?
  240. Can you explain the role of user experience (UX) design in the MVC architecture?
  241. What are some common UX design principles used in the MVC architecture?
  242. Can you explain the role of user interface (UI) design in the MVC architecture?
  243. What are some common UI design principles used in the MVC architecture?
  244. Can you explain the role of front-end development in the MVC architecture?
  245. What are some common front-end development frameworks and libraries used in the MVC architecture?
  246. Can you explain the role of back-end development in the MVC architecture?
  247. What are some common back-end development frameworks and libraries used in the MVC architecture?
  248. Can you explain the role of full-stack development in the MVC architecture?
  249. What are some common full-stack development frameworks and libraries used in the MVC architecture? mvc interview questions

  1. What is ASP.NET MVC?
  2. What are the advantages of using ASP.NET MVC over Web Forms?
  3. What are the main components of ASP.NET MVC?
  4. What is the purpose of a model in ASP.NET MVC?
  5. What is the purpose of a view in ASP.NET MVC?
  6. What is the purpose of a controller in ASP.NET MVC?
  7. What is the difference between ViewData, ViewBag and TempData?
  8. What is the role of the Global.asax file in ASP.NET MVC?
  9. How can you create a new ASP.NET MVC project in Visual Studio?
  10. What is routing in ASP.NET MVC?
  11. How do you define a route in ASP.NET MVC?
  12. What are attribute routes in ASP.NET MVC?
  13. How can you specify constraints in a route?
  14. What is the purpose of an action filter in ASP.NET MVC?
  15. What are the different types of action filters in ASP.NET MVC?
  16. What is the purpose of a partial view in ASP.NET MVC?
  17. What is the difference between a partial view and a view in ASP.NET MVC?
  18. What is the purpose of a layout in ASP.NET MVC?
  19. What is the difference between a layout and a view in ASP.NET MVC?
  20. How can you create a strongly-typed view in ASP.NET MVC?
  21. What is the purpose of a ViewModel in ASP.NET MVC?
  22. How can you pass data from a controller to a view in ASP.NET MVC?
  23. How can you handle errors in ASP.NET MVC?
  24. What is the role of the web.config file in an ASP.NET MVC application?
  25. What is the difference between the web.config file and the machine.config file?
  26. What is the purpose of the appSettings section in the web.config file?
  27. What is the purpose of the connectionStrings section in the web.config file?
  28. What is the purpose of the authentication section in the web.config file?
  29. What is the purpose of the authorization section in the web.config file?
  30. What is the purpose of the sessionState section in the web.config file?
  31. What is the purpose of the httpRuntime section in the web.config file?
  32. What is the purpose of the compilation section in the web.config file?
  33. What is the purpose of the pages section in the web.config file?
  34. What is the purpose of the globalization section in the web.config file?
  35. What is the purpose of the trace section in the web.config file?
  36. What is the purpose of the httpHandlers section in the web.config file?
  37. What is the purpose of the httpModules section in the web.config file?
  38. What is the purpose of the location element in the web.config file?
  39. What is the purpose of the system.webServer section in the web.config file?
  40. What is the purpose of the handlers section in the system.webServer section of the web.config file?
  41. What is the purpose of the modules section in the system.webServer section of the web.config file?
  42. What is the purpose of the authentication section in the system.webServer section of the web.config file?
  43. What is the purpose of the security section in the system.webServer section of the web.config file?
  44. What is the purpose of the staticContent section in the system.webServer section of the web.config file?
  45. What is the purpose of the httpCompression section in the system.webServer section of the web.config file?
  46. What is the purpose of the urlCompression section in the system.webServer section of the web.config file?
  47. What is the purpose of the httpProtocol section in the system.webServer section of the web.config
  48. What is the purpose of the requestFiltering section in the system.webServer section of the web.config file?
  49. What is the purpose of the rewrite section in the system.webServer section of the web.config file?
  50. What is the purpose of the serverRuntime section in the system.webServer section of the web.config file?
  51. What is the purpose of the applicationPools section in the IIS Manager?
  52. What is the purpose of the web.config file in an ASP.NET MVC application hosted on IIS?
  53. What is the difference between server-side and client-side validation in ASP.NET MVC?
  54. How can you implement server-side validation in ASP.NET MVC?
  55. How can you implement client-side validation in ASP.NET MVC?
  56. What is the purpose of the ModelState object in ASP.NET MVC?
  57. What is the purpose of the TempData object in ASP.NET MVC?
  58. What is the purpose of the TempDataDictionary class in ASP.NET MVC?
  59. What is the purpose of the HttpPostedFileBase class in ASP.NET MVC?
  60. What is the purpose of the HtmlHelper class in ASP.NET MVC?
  61. What is the purpose of the ActionLink method in the HtmlHelper class?
  62. What is the purpose of the DropDownList method in the HtmlHelper class?
  63. What is the purpose of the TextBox method in the HtmlHelper class?
  64. What is the purpose of the TextArea method in the HtmlHelper class?
  65. What is the purpose of the CheckBox method in the HtmlHelper class?
  66. What is the purpose of the RadioButton method in the HtmlHelper class?
  67. What is the purpose of the LabelFor method in the HtmlHelper class?
  68. What is the purpose of the ValidationMessageFor method in the HtmlHelper class?
  69. What is the purpose of the ValidationSummary method in the HtmlHelper class?
  70. What is the purpose of the RouteLink method in the HtmlHelper class?
  71. What is the purpose of the BeginForm method in the HtmlHelper class?
  72. What is the purpose of the EndForm method in the HtmlHelper class?
  73. What is the purpose of the RedirectToRoute method in the Controller class?
  74. What is the purpose of the RedirectToAction method in the Controller class?
  75. What is the purpose of the PartialView method in the Controller class?
  76. What is the purpose of the Json method in the Controller class?
  77. What is the purpose of the Content method in the Controller class?
  78. What is the purpose of the File method in the Controller class?
  79. What is the purpose of the View method in the Controller class?
  80. What is the purpose of the HttpNotFound method in the Controller class?
  81. What is the purpose of the HttpUnauthorizedResult class in ASP.NET MVC?
  82. What is the purpose of the HttpStatusCodeResult class in ASP.NET MVC?
  83. What is the purpose of the HttpException class in ASP.NET MVC?
  84. What is the purpose of the HandleError attribute in ASP.NET MVC?
  85. What is the purpose of the Authorize attribute in ASP.NET MVC?
  86. What is the purpose of the AllowAnonymous attribute in ASP.NET MVC?
  87. What is the purpose of the OutputCache attribute in ASP.NET MVC?
  88. What is the purpose of the ChildActionOnly attribute in ASP.NET MVC?
  89. What is the purpose of the ActionName attribute in ASP.NET MVC?
  90. What is the purpose of the HttpGet attribute in ASP.NET MVC?
  91. What is the purpose of the HttpPost attribute in ASP.NET MVC?
  92. What is the purpose of the HttpPut attribute in ASP.NET MVC?
  93. What is the purpose of the HttpDelete attribute in ASP.NET MVC?
  94. What is the purpose of the ActionFilterAttribute class in ASP.NET MVC?
  95. What is the purpose of the AuthorizeAttribute class in ASP.NET MVC?
  96. What is the purpose of the HandleErrorAttribute class in ASP.NET MVC?
  97. What is the purpose of the OutputCacheAttribute class in ASP.NET MVC?
  98. What is the purpose of the RouteAttribute class in ASP.NET MVC?
  99. What is the purpose of the ActionExecutingContext class in ASP.NET MVC?
  100. What is the purpose of the ActionResult class in ASP.NET MVC?

Spring mvc interview questions

  1. What is Spring MVC?
  2. What are the components of Spring MVC?
  3. What is the role of the DispatcherServlet?
  4. How does Spring MVC handle requests?
  5. What is the difference between Spring MVC and Struts?
  6. What is the use of the @Controller annotation?
  7. What is the use of the @RequestMapping annotation?
  8. What is the use of the @RequestParam annotation?
  9. What is the use of the @PathVariable annotation?
  10. What is the use of the @ModelAttribute annotation?
  11. What is the use of the @ResponseBody annotation?
  12. What is the use of the @ExceptionHandler annotation?
  13. What is the use of the ModelAndView class?
  14. What is the use of the Model interface?
  15. What is the use of the ModelMap class?
  16. What is the use of the View interface?
  17. What is the use of the RedirectView class?
  18. What is the use of the InternalResourceViewResolver class?
  19. What is the use of the ContentNegotiatingViewResolver class?
  20. What is the use of the HandlerInterceptor interface?
  21. What is the use of the LocaleResolver interface?
  22. What is the use of the FlashMap interface?
  23. What is the use of the SessionStatus interface?
  24. What is the use of the ConversionService interface?
  25. What is the use of the MessageSource interface?
  26. What is the use of the MessageCodesResolver interface?
  27. What is the use of the HandlerExceptionResolver interface?
  28. What is the use of the RequestDataValueProcessor interface?
  29. What is the use of the HandlerMethodArgumentResolver interface?
  30. What is the use of the HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler interface?
  31. What is the use of the HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite class?
  32. What is the use of the HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite class?
  33. What is the use of the HandlerMethodInvoker class?
  34. What is the use of the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter class?
  35. What is the use of the RequestMappingHandlerMapping class?
  36. What is the use of the DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping class?
  37. What is the use of the SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter class?
  38. What is the use of the SimpleUrlHandlerMapping class?
  39. What is the use of the AbstractController class?
  40. What is the use of the ParameterizableViewController class?
  41. What is the use of the AbstractCommandController class?
  42. What is the use of the MultiActionController class?
  43. What is the use of the AbstractWizardFormController class?
  44. What is the use of the AbstractFormController class?
  45. What is the use of the SimpleFormController class?
  46. What is the use of the AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter class?
  47. What is the use of the AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver class?
  48. What is the use of the DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver class?
  49. What is the use of the SimpleMappingExceptionResolver class?
  50. What is the use of the ResourceBundleViewResolver class?
  51. What is the use of the BeanNameViewResolver class?
  52. What is the use of the VelocityViewResolver class?
  53. What is the use of the FreemarkerViewResolver class?
  54. What is the use of the ResourceBundleMessageSource class?
  55. What is the use of the ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource class?
  56. What is the use of the ServletContextResource class?
  57. What is the use of the FileSystemResource class?
  58. What is the use of the ClassPathResource class?
  59. What is the use of the UrlResource class?
  60. What is the use of the ByteArrayResource class?
  61. What is the use of the InputStreamResource class?
  62. What is the use of the ResourceLoader interface?
  63. What is the use of the ResourceEditor class?
  64. What is the use of the BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping class?
  65. What is the use of the ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping class?
  66. What is the use of the SimpleUrlHandlerMapping class?
  67. What is the use of the ResourceBundleThemeSource class?
  68. What is the use of the FixedThemeResolver class?
  69. What is the use of the SessionLocaleResolver class?
  70. What is the use of the CookieLocaleResolver class?
  71. What is the use of the AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver class?
  72. What is the use of the SessionFlashMapManager class?
  73. What is the use of the FlashMapManagerFilter class?
  74. What is the use of the FlashMapManagerInterceptor class?
  75. What is the use of the ConversionServiceFactoryBean class?
  76. What is the use of the FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean class?
  77. What is the use of the ResourceBundleThemeResolver class?
  78. What is the use of the ContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean class?
  79. What is the use of the AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter.AutowireCapableBeanFactoryObjectFactory class?
  80. What is the use of the RequestMappingHandlerMapping.ResourceHandlerRegistration class?
  81. What is the use of the RequestMappingHandlerMapping.StaticResourceRequestHandler class?
  82. What is the use of the PathExtensionContentNegotiationStrategy class?
  83. What is the use of the FixedLocaleResolver class?
  84. What is the use of the AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver class?
  85. What is the use of the SimpleUrlHandlerMapping.PathExposingHandlerInterceptor class?
  86. What is the use of the SessionLocaleResolver.LocaleChangedInterceptor class?
  87. What is the use of the UriTemplateVariablesHandlerInterceptor class?
  88. What is the use of the BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping.ExtendedPathMatcher class?
  89. What is the use of the LocaleChangeInterceptor class?
  90. What is the use of the HandlerInterceptorAdapter class?
  91. What is the use of the MultipartResolver interface?
  92. What is the use of the CommonsMultipartResolver class?
  93. What is the use of the StandardServletMultipartResolver class?
  94. What is the use of the MockMultipartHttpServletRequest class?
  95. What is the use of the MockMultipartFile class?
  96. What is the use of the HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite.HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerBeanWrapper class?
  97. What is the use of the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.MessageBodyWriterBeanFactoryObjectFactory class?
  98. What is the use of the ContentNegotiationManager.FixedContentNegotiationStrategy class?
  99. What is the use of the ContentNegotiationManager.MediaTypesBeanFactoryObjectFactory class?
  100. What is the use of the AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter.InitBinderDataBinderFactory class?


Preparing for an MVC developer interview can be daunting, but by familiarizing yourself with common MVC interview questions, you can increase your chances of success. The questions listed in this article cover the fundamental concepts of MVC architecture and are a good starting point for your preparation.


  1. What is MVC architecture?

MVC architecture is a popular architectural pattern used in web application development that divides an application into three interconnected components: the Model, View, and Controller.

  1. What are the benefits of using MVC architecture?

MVC offers several benefits, including separation of concerns, testability, code reusability, and scalability.

3. What is Routing in MVC

Routing is the process of mapping a URL to a specific action in the Controller. It allows the application to determine which Controller and action to execute based on the URL requested by the user. The routing configuration is typically defined in the RouteConfig file.

  1. What is the role of the Model in MVC?

The Model represents the data and the business logic of the application. It is responsible for retrieving and storing data, and validating data input.

  1. What is the View in MVC?

The View is responsible for presenting the data to the user. It is typically a web page or user interface that displays the data retrieved from the Model. The View communicates with the Controller to retrieve the data it needs to display.

  1. What is the role of the Controller in MVC?

The Controller handles user input and manages the flow of data between the Model and the View. It receives input from the user, such as button clicks or form submissions, and updates the Model accordingly. It also communicates with the View to display data to the user.

  1. What is Routing in MVC, and how does it work?

Routing is the process of mapping a URL to a specific action in the Controller. It allows the application to determine which Controller and action to execute based on the URL requested by the user. The routing configuration is typically defined in the RouteConfig file.

  1. What is Razor in MVC?

Razor is a view engine used in MVC that allows you to create dynamic HTML pages using C# or VB.NET code. It uses a syntax that is similar to HTML, making it easy to learn and use.

  1. What is TempData in MVC, and how does it differ from ViewBag?

TempData is a dictionary object used to store data between requests. It is useful for passing data between controllers or actions. ViewBag, on the other hand, is a dynamic object used to pass data from the Controller to the View.

  1. What is the difference between ViewData and ViewBag in MVC?

ViewData is a dictionary object used to pass data from the Controller to the View. It requires typecasting to access the data, and if the data is not found, it will throw an exception. ViewBag, on the other hand, is a dynamic object that doesn’t require typecasting, making it easier to use.

  1. What is the difference between HTTP Get and HTTP Post methods in MVC?

HTTP Get method is used to retrieve data from the server, while HTTP Post method is used to submit data to the server. Get requests are typically used to retrieve data, such as web pages or images, while Post requests are used to submit data, such as form submissions.

  1. What is a ViewModel in MVC, and how is it different from a Model?

A ViewModel is a model used specifically for a View. It contains only the data required by the View, and not the entire Model. This allows for better separation of concerns and makes the code more maintainable.

  1. What is the purpose of the ModelState in MVC?

The ModelState is a dictionary object that contains the state of model binding validation. It is used to validate user input and display error messages if the data is not valid.

  1. What is AJAX in MVC, and how does it work?

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It allows for asynchronous data retrieval from the server without reloading the entire web page. In MVC, AJAX can be used to update parts of the page without reloading the entire page.

  1. What are the best practices for developing MVC applications?

Some best practices for developing MVC applications include:

  • Using a modular approach to design and development
  • Keeping the code organized and maintainable
  • Following coding standards and best practices
  • Unit testing the code to ensure quality
  • Using version

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