Here is the list of 100 spring boot interview questions
- What is Spring Boot and how does it differ from Spring Framework?
- What are the advantages of using Spring Boot?
- What are the different ways of configuring Spring Boot?
- What are the different types of properties files that can be used in Spring Boot?
- What are the differences between application.yml and files in Spring Boot?
- How does Spring Boot auto-configuration work?
- What is the use of @SpringBootApplication annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @RestController annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @RequestMapping annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the difference between @Controller and @RestController annotations in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @Autowired annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @Qualifier annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @Value annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the difference between @Component, @Service, and @Repository annotations in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @Transactional annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @Async annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @Cacheable and @CacheEvict annotations in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @Scheduled annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @EnableScheduling annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @EnableAsync annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @EnableCaching annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @ConditionalOnProperty annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @ConditionalOnClass annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @ConditionalOnMissingBean annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @EnableConfigurationProperties annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @ConfigurationProperties annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of CommandLineRunner interface in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of ApplicationRunner interface in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of Environment interface in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of CommandLinePropertySource in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of ApplicationContextInitializer in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of ServletInitializer in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of DispatcherServletAutoConfiguration in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of SpringApplicationBuilder in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of SpringApplication class in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of Banner interface in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of CustomBanner in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of ApplicationEventPublisher in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of ApplicationEvent in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of EventListener annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of SpringApplicationListener in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @Configuration annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @Import annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @ImportResource annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @Profile annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @PropertySource annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @ComponentScan annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @EnableWebMvc annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @EnableTransactionManagement annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the use of @EnableJpaRepositories annotation in Spring
- What is the use of Spring Boot Starter Projects?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Actuator?
- What are the different endpoints provided by Spring Boot Actuator?
- What is the use of Health endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
- What is the use of Metrics endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
- What is the use of Info endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
- What is the use of Trace endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
- What is the use of Thread Dump endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
- What is the use of Loggers endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
- What is the use of Spring Boot DevTools?
- What is the use of spring-boot-starter-parent POM?
- What is the use of Spring Boot CLI?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Testing?
- What is the use of @SpringBootTest annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
- What is the use of @WebMvcTest annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
- What is the use of @DataJpaTest annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
- What is the use of @MockBean annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
- What is the use of TestRestTemplate in Spring Boot Testing?
- What is the use of TestEntityManager in Spring Boot Testing?
- What is the use of @AutoConfigureMockMvc annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
- What is the use of @SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
- What is the use of @ActiveProfiles annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
- What is the use of @DirtiesContext annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Security?
- What is the use of @EnableWebSecurity annotation in Spring Boot Security?
- What is the use of BCryptPasswordEncoder in Spring Boot Security?
- What is the use of @Secured annotation in Spring Boot Security?
- What is the use of @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize annotations in Spring Boot Security?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data JPA?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data JDBC?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data Redis?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data Mongo?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data Cassandra?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data Solr?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data Elasticsearch?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data Neo4j?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data Couchbase?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data LDAP?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Data REST?
- What is the use of HAL Browser in Spring Boot Data REST?
- What is the use of Spring Boot Batch?
- What is the use of @EnableBatchProcessing annotation in Spring Boot Batch?
- What is the use of JobBuilderFactory and StepBuilderFactory in Spring Boot Batch?
- What is the use of ItemReader, ItemProcessor, and ItemWriter interfaces in Spring Boot Batch?
- What is the use of FlatFileItemReader and JdbcCursorItemReader in Spring Boot Batch?
- What is the use of Tasklet interface in Spring Boot Batch?
- What is the use of JobExecutionListener and StepExecutionListener interfaces in Spring Boot Batch?
I hope these 100 Spring boot interview questions will help you prepare well for your spring boot interview. Good luck!