100 Spring Boot Interview Questions

Here is the list of 100 spring boot interview questions

  1. What is Spring Boot and how does it differ from Spring Framework?
  2. What are the advantages of using Spring Boot?
  3. What are the different ways of configuring Spring Boot?
  4. What are the different types of properties files that can be used in Spring Boot?
  5. What are the differences between application.yml and application.properties files in Spring Boot?
  6. How does Spring Boot auto-configuration work?
  7. What is the use of @SpringBootApplication annotation in Spring Boot?
  8. What is the use of @RestController annotation in Spring Boot?
  9. What is the use of @RequestMapping annotation in Spring Boot?
  10. What is the difference between @Controller and @RestController annotations in Spring Boot?
  11. What is the use of @Autowired annotation in Spring Boot?
  12. What is the use of @Qualifier annotation in Spring Boot?
  13. What is the use of @Value annotation in Spring Boot?
  14. What is the difference between @Component, @Service, and @Repository annotations in Spring Boot?
  15. What is the use of @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations in Spring Boot?
  16. What is the use of @Transactional annotation in Spring Boot?
  17. What is the use of @Async annotation in Spring Boot?
  18. What is the use of @Cacheable and @CacheEvict annotations in Spring Boot?
  19. What is the use of @Scheduled annotation in Spring Boot?
  20. What is the use of @EnableScheduling annotation in Spring Boot?
  21. What is the use of @EnableAsync annotation in Spring Boot?
  22. What is the use of @EnableCaching annotation in Spring Boot?
  23. What is the use of @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation in Spring Boot?
  24. What is the use of @ConditionalOnProperty annotation in Spring Boot?
  25. What is the use of @ConditionalOnClass annotation in Spring Boot?
  26. What is the use of @ConditionalOnMissingBean annotation in Spring Boot?
  27. What is the use of @EnableConfigurationProperties annotation in Spring Boot?
  28. What is the use of @ConfigurationProperties annotation in Spring Boot?
  29. What is the use of CommandLineRunner interface in Spring Boot?
  30. What is the use of ApplicationRunner interface in Spring Boot?
  31. What is the use of Environment interface in Spring Boot?
  32. What is the use of CommandLinePropertySource in Spring Boot?
  33. What is the use of ApplicationContextInitializer in Spring Boot?
  34. What is the use of ServletInitializer in Spring Boot?
  35. What is the use of DispatcherServletAutoConfiguration in Spring Boot?
  36. What is the use of SpringApplicationBuilder in Spring Boot?
  37. What is the use of SpringApplication class in Spring Boot?
  38. What is the use of Banner interface in Spring Boot?
  39. What is the use of CustomBanner in Spring Boot?
  40. What is the use of ApplicationEventPublisher in Spring Boot?
  41. What is the use of ApplicationEvent in Spring Boot?
  42. What is the use of EventListener annotation in Spring Boot?
  43. What is the use of SpringApplicationListener in Spring Boot?
  44. What is the use of @Configuration annotation in Spring Boot?
  45. What is the use of @Import annotation in Spring Boot?
  46. What is the use of @ImportResource annotation in Spring Boot?
  47. What is the use of @Profile annotation in Spring Boot?
  48. What is the use of @PropertySource annotation in Spring Boot?
  49. What is the use of @ComponentScan annotation in Spring Boot?
  50. What is the use of @EnableWebMvc annotation in Spring Boot?
  51. What is the use of @EnableTransactionManagement annotation in Spring Boot?
  52. What is the use of @EnableJpaRepositories annotation in Spring
  53. What is the use of Spring Boot Starter Projects?
  54. What is the use of Spring Boot Actuator?
  55. What are the different endpoints provided by Spring Boot Actuator?
  56. What is the use of Health endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
  57. What is the use of Metrics endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
  58. What is the use of Info endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
  59. What is the use of Trace endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
  60. What is the use of Thread Dump endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
  61. What is the use of Loggers endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator?
  62. What is the use of Spring Boot DevTools?
  63. What is the use of spring-boot-starter-parent POM?
  64. What is the use of Spring Boot CLI?
  65. What is the use of Spring Boot Testing?
  66. What is the use of @SpringBootTest annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
  67. What is the use of @WebMvcTest annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
  68. What is the use of @DataJpaTest annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
  69. What is the use of @MockBean annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
  70. What is the use of TestRestTemplate in Spring Boot Testing?
  71. What is the use of TestEntityManager in Spring Boot Testing?
  72. What is the use of @AutoConfigureMockMvc annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
  73. What is the use of @SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
  74. What is the use of @ActiveProfiles annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
  75. What is the use of @DirtiesContext annotation in Spring Boot Testing?
  76. What is the use of Spring Boot Security?
  77. What is the use of @EnableWebSecurity annotation in Spring Boot Security?
  78. What is the use of BCryptPasswordEncoder in Spring Boot Security?
  79. What is the use of @Secured annotation in Spring Boot Security?
  80. What is the use of @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize annotations in Spring Boot Security?
  81. What is the use of Spring Boot Data?
  82. What is the use of Spring Boot Data JPA?
  83. What is the use of Spring Boot Data JDBC?
  84. What is the use of Spring Boot Data Redis?
  85. What is the use of Spring Boot Data Mongo?
  86. What is the use of Spring Boot Data Cassandra?
  87. What is the use of Spring Boot Data Solr?
  88. What is the use of Spring Boot Data Elasticsearch?
  89. What is the use of Spring Boot Data Neo4j?
  90. What is the use of Spring Boot Data Couchbase?
  91. What is the use of Spring Boot Data LDAP?
  92. What is the use of Spring Boot Data REST?
  93. What is the use of HAL Browser in Spring Boot Data REST?
  94. What is the use of Spring Boot Batch?
  95. What is the use of @EnableBatchProcessing annotation in Spring Boot Batch?
  96. What is the use of JobBuilderFactory and StepBuilderFactory in Spring Boot Batch?
  97. What is the use of ItemReader, ItemProcessor, and ItemWriter interfaces in Spring Boot Batch?
  98. What is the use of FlatFileItemReader and JdbcCursorItemReader in Spring Boot Batch?
  99. What is the use of Tasklet interface in Spring Boot Batch?
  100. What is the use of JobExecutionListener and StepExecutionListener interfaces in Spring Boot Batch?

I hope these 100 Spring boot interview questions will help you prepare well for your spring boot interview. Good luck!

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